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Making Your Marketing More Effective

Making Your Marketing More Effective

While global corporations have the marketing budget to test different campaigns, ad styles and take risks, smaller businesses rarely have such a luxury. With limited resources, smaller businesses must make their marketing more effective to generate profitable results.

As a result, it’s crucial that managers understand the steps they need to take to generate an effective marketing campaign. With this in mind, here’s how you can make your marketing more effective.

Determine The Target Audience

The first thing a business needs to do before creating a marketing campaign is determine who they’re marketing to. By outlining the audience, a business can effectively tailor their marketing in several ways.

Most importantly, they can understand their audience's needs. Many businesses go wrong by promoting a product without fully understanding how it helps the customer. By determining their pain points, desires, and objections a business can present themselves as the solution to a particular problem.

Find The Right Marketing Channels

After outlining who their target audience is, businesses can then find the right marketing channels. To do this they need to ask questions such as:

  • Do my target audience shop online or in person?
  • If in person where do they shop?
  • If online what websites do they use?
  • Does my target audience use social media? If so, what platforms?
  • Who influences their buying decisions?

It’s important to do ask these questions for every marketing campaign. Marketing channels not only vary from one group to the next but can also change over time, particularly when it comes to digital marketing methods. For example, ten years ago advertising on Facebook to young adults would have been profitable. However, in 2023 this audience has since moved to other platforms like Instagram.

Once a business has found the right channel, they need to dig deeper into the different methods within that channel. For example, if their target audience is on Instagram, what’s the best way to reach them? Running ads based on their search history? Influencer marketing? General ads on the platform? To find out which is best, it's optimal to run several small scale campaigns to see which generates the best results.

Personalise Your Message

When it comes to marketing many businesses try to copy global brands, which often generate large scale, generic campaigns. The issue with this is that smaller businesses don’t have the leverage of these brands. They don’t have the customer base or brand recognition. As a result, they need to make their marketing efforts as personal as possible.

Personal touches help create an emotional connection with a business and its customers. This is crucial for retaining customers and can lead to referrals, positive reviews, and a positive brand reputation.

Use Customer Feedback

Customer feedback has never been easier to access. Historically, getting feedback would require sending a form to customers and waiting for them to send it back, or asking for feedback in a store itself. Now, customers leave feedback via Google Reviews, websites like Trustpilot and emails.

Looking at this customer feedback is an excellent way to help optimize marketing campaigns. In reviews, customers will highlight what they like about a product or service, what could be improved, and what they dislike.

This free data can be used to tailor marketing campaigns as well as improve products and services. If a particular feature is consistently being praised, then using this feature as part of a campaign is likely going to yield better results. Learning from negative reviews, on the other hand, can help businesses refine their service and prevent the issue from occurring again.

Repurpose Content

With a smaller budget it’s difficult to optimize campaigns and content on different platforms. However, businesses don’t need to create new content for every platform. Instead, they can repurpose it.

For example, if a business is sending out an email that covers their story this can be repurposed on several platforms. It can be turned into a thread on Twitter, a blog post on their website, a post on LinkedIn, and a video for Instagram and TikTok. By doing this, one piece of content turns into 6 pieces without hours of extra work.

Furthermore, businesses can also create spinoffs of successful campaigns or content. They can dive deeper into a particular subject, write a similar story or create several videos around it. With every repurpose, it’s important to keep adding value to the customer, as this will keep them returning to the content.

Be Willing To Try New Marketing Methods

Marketing is changing at a faster pace than ever. Businesses now have access to more data, global audiences, and millions of people at the touch of a button. As a result, marketing methods are rapidly changing. What worked five years ago may not work now. Therefore businesses must be willing to pivot their marketing efforts.

For example, in the past five years influencer marketing has become a popular option. While not always effective, 61% of customer trust recommendations made by influencers, whereas just 38% will trust content from a brand on social media. This technique is a great way for smaller businesses to get their products and services in front of their target market without having a large audience themselves.

In addition, with AI now having a huge impact on the market, it’s possible that several new marketing trends could appear over the next decade. Testing these trends is a great way for businesses to see what works without a huge marketing budget.


Creating a cost-effective marketing campaign is all about tailoring a message to an audience. After outlining who they’re marketing to, businesses need to find the right marketing channels and personalise their message to get the best results. They can then use customer feedback to optimise further, while repurposing content and trying out new marketing methods to find what works best for them.

Much like any area of business, there will never be a one shoe fits all solution. What will work in one market may fail to gain traction in another. As a result, businesses need to go through a process of trial and error to maximise the effectiveness of their marketing.


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