Expert-Led Business Webinars

Practical – Pivotal – Inspirational

Update and refresh your skills with a different Global Expert each month – free.

Invest 60 minutes each month to sharpen your skills, increase your options and improve your chances of success - all from the convenience of your office or your home and at no cost.

Each is just 45 minutes long with 15-minute Q&A. Long enough to provide you with some practical and pivotal ideas needed now. Short enough for you not to lose too much of that precious commodity, time. You can watch one a month and incorporate any changes you want to make in your approach, in your own time

The Anxious Salesman's Guide to Success - Free Webinar with Nick Elston

01 August 2024 11:00 - 12:00

Webinars - The Anxious Salesman's Guide to Success - Free Webinar with Nick Elston

In life, we can either let our adversities, our challenges, define us negatively for the rest of our lives…or…we can choose for it to forge something beautiful, something powerful – something that never would have existed without you going through your ‘stuff’ in the first place.  Do you or any of your team struggle with anxiety and nerves?  Do you procrastinate or avoid confrontational situations?  Do you find yourself running on empty?

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Previous webinars

Check out these short clips from previous webinars.

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