
What changes in your organisation would create the greatest advantage for you?


The cost of getting the selection wrong could be as high as seven times the annual salary, if not more

Coach or Train

What skills do your people need to make the greatest sustainable improvement?

Five Myths of Employee Engagement

Discuss the topic of engagement with Senior Managers or Consultants and the following barriers or myths often come up as reasons to be wary of taking employee engagement too far.

  1. As CEO/MD ~ I have to keep a tight control on the outcomes
  2. I am not going to have our dirty laundry aired in public
  3. Each stakeholder group has its own agenda and it is unlikely they can be united behind any common purpose. Self interest will always outweigh what is important for the organisation
  4. The more people you take off the shop floor and involve in meetings the more productivity will suffer
  5. The best and most effective changes are the ones designed by a few talented individuals at the top of their profession.

What other myths or barriers have you come across?

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