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At what point do you appoint internal brand police?

I've just returned from a few days working with a client so firstly sorry for the lack of blogs. The experience, whilst a very positive one ~ for me and client ~ has brought up an interesting thought.

At what point do you recruit / assign internal "brand police"?

The client is a £60 million firm that has a strong external brand within its market place and a well established relaxed family culture for its 200 or so employees. What became clear is that the organisation lacks a repository of brand images and house styles such that internal correspondence and much of day to day correspondence to clients do not conform to the brand values or support the external marketing effort.

Marketing is doing a great job as is the PR team. Nearly all that effort is focussed externally and the nearest it gets to an internal focus is probably the support Marketing & PR bring to the Bids Teams in response to Invitations To Tender and Requests For Proposals.

I'd be interested to hear from those of you that have taken the decision to create that internal focus, or helped clients through that decision and discuss some of the factors involved.

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